Synopsis of the Request for Proposal
For Registration Link click: HERE
a) Company profile.
b) Trading license or Certificate of incorporation or Certificate of Registration
c) Tax clearance certificate (Applicable to firms originating from Kenya, Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania and Mozambique).
d) List of similar assignments and client contacts
e) CVs of key personnel.
Evaluation Criteria
a) Organizational Capacity …………………………………………………………….10%
b) Experience in similar assignments…………………………………………………..25%
c) Proposed approach, methodology and workplan…………………………..25%
d) Experience and qualifications of key personnel …………………………….40%
Total: ……………………………………………………………………………….100%
1. Minimum technical pass mark is 75%
2. Selection Criteria
– Technical weight: 90%
– Financial weight: 10%
1. Background
Established in 2006, AGRA is an African-led and Africa-based institution that puts smallholder farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economy by transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives. Together with our partners, we are working to sustainably grow Africa’s food systems.
AGRA strengthens seed systems, develops, and promotes sustainable farming practices, helps unlock trade and markets, and supports governments who lead their countries’ development. We work with farmers to adapt to climate change, increase soil health, and protect the environment. AGRA believes deeply in the urgency of reducing the inequality that women face in agriculture, and to unlocking the power and innovation of youth.
More information:
A well-performing and efficient seed system is a prerequisite for agricultural transformation in every country. Over the years, AGRA has invested a significant number of resources to develop the seed sector in Africa. AGRA’s attention to seed systems started in 2007 when it launched its signature investment, the Program for Africa’s Seed Systems (PASS) with an investment of $150 million. This investment spanned over 13 African countries. The program generated interest and more partners increased funding to the tune of $285 million to cover a period of 10 years to finance seed systems with additional coverage to 17 African countries. The PASS goal was to develop sustainable, mostly private sector-based, seed systems in Africa that would increase access for smallholder farmers to improved crop varieties that produce higher crop yields resulting in increased income, improved food security and reduced poverty. However, AGRA noted that most of the investments in the seed sector were not sufficiently fixing the systemic gaps and challenges in the seed sector. The lack of a comprehensive seed sector investment plan that shows investment issues, gaps and funding options has generally affected the ability of seed systems to ensure integrated delivery of services to farmers. Recognizing the significance of having a robust strategy and comprehensive investment framework to guide seed sector interventions and prioritize investments, AGRA commissioned a comprehensive assessment of seed system to understand the status, issues, challenges, gaps and potential investment in the seed sector in its 11 AGRA countries. The assessment was intended to further provide AGRA with additional insights of the systematic bottlenecks in the seed sector to guide AGRA’s own catalytic, but also mobilize additional investments to fix seed issues and gaps.
While a lot of progress has been made in Africa in the seed landscape, most of these efforts remain uncoordinated making it difficult to quickly know exactly what is broken, what is being addressed, how, by who and where but more importantly where to source different solutions. It is against this backdrop that AGRA was designated by various partners to host the Centre of Excellence in Seed Systems in Africa (CESSA) and the process of developing a comprehensive CESSA flagship program is nearing completion. One of the cornerstone programs of CESSA is the Seed Systems Analysis Tool (SeedSAT) aimed at analyzing the functionality of national seed systems to identify gaps and make prioritized recommendations for intervention. SeedSAT was first piloted in Nigeria and Ethiopia in 2021, with phase 1 happening in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Ghana, a process that was completed in June 2023. The assessment in the next four countries Rwanda, Mozambique, Mali and Burkina Faso, has just been completed in March 2023. Unlike other initiatives and projects which conduct studies, AGRA under its flagship program CESSA plans to be innovative in helping governments develop the prioritized recommendations into investment plans which they can use to allocate funds from national coffers to address the gaps or use these investment plans as resource mobilization tools. With such investment plans in place, governments will be in a position to systematically guide seed interventions as opposed to doing them in an ad-hoc manner. Together, the seed sector assessment (SeedSAT) and comprehensive National Seed Sector Strategy and Investment Plans will inform the policies, strategies, or projects that seek to contribute to systemic change as part of a process of seed sector transformation.
Building on the SeedSAT work and based on the gaps identified by analytical and diagnostic studies in several countries, AGRA seeks to support countries in developing comprehensive National Seed Sector Strategies and Investment Plans for Rwanda, Mali, Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Tanzania. The work will build on the results, findings and gaps identified by the SeedSAT through previous studies in six countries and will incorporate these insights to develop a systemwide and comprehensive seed sector investment plans and strategies. The goal of this work is to provide a structured guide to AGRA countries for identifying and prioritizing bottlenecks in the seed sectors and preparing investment proposals and plans to tackle these bottlenecks, and hence ensure integrated delivery of services to farmers.
2. Objectives of this consultancy
The specific objectives of this initiative would be done in:
- Review the existing National Seed Strategies and Investment plans to identify critical gaps and implementation challenges.
- Establish, document, and prioritize government ambition and vision for the seed sector, and ensure alignment of investment plans and seed strategies to the priorities.
- Review the country SeedSAT reports (gaps and recommendations) and, based on that, develop investment plans for each of the 5 countries.
- Use outcomes of the intensive and extensive reviews, and build on recommendations from SeedSAT assessments, to develop comprehensive seed sector strategy and investment plans in each of the target countries.
- Develop a costed investment plan that demonstrates that the seed system has been analyzed and investments designed to target all the issues and challenges.
- Validate the investment plans with key stakeholders of each of the 5 countries.
3. Scope of Work
The specific objective of this consultancy is to help the 5 national governments of Rwanda, Mali, Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Tanzania, based on findings from systemwide seed sector analysis done under SeedSAT, develop investment plans which they can pitch for funding. These strategy and operational plans will provide guidance to address key bottlenecks in the seed systems of those countries and this is in line with what is envisaged as CESSA offerings that is provide guidance, support and not necessarily funding. AGRA developed a comprehensive “Guide for the Design of Country Seed Strategy and Investment Plan”. This assignment will build from this guide among others guides to deliver on this assignment, as well as leverage on existing seed Sector Operational Plans. The specific objectives are as follows:
- Review the existing National Seed Strategies and Investment plans to identify critical gaps and implementation challenges.
- Establish, document and prioritize government ambition and vision for the seed sector, and ensure alignment of investment plans and seed strategies to the priorities.
- Review the country SeedSAT reports (gaps and recommendations) and, based on that, develop investment plans for each of the 5 countries
- Use outcomes of the intensive and extensive reviews, and build on recommendations from SeedSAT assessments, to develop comprehensive seed sector strategy and investment plans in each of the target countries.
- Develop a costed investment plan that demonstrates that the seed system has been analyzed and investments designed to target all the issues and challenges.
- Validate the investment plans with key stakeholders of each of the 5 countries.
The work will be done in two phases:
- Phase 1: Rwanda, Mali, Burkina Faso and Mozambique where SeedSAT has already been done. This phase will start off immediately since the issues, and analysis has been done.
- Phase 2: Tanzania SeedSAT assessment has been initiated. Once completed, the results will be used to undertake and design a similar and comprehensive Seed Sector under this call.
4. Deliverables/ Activities and Work Plan
The Consultant is expected to deliver the following:
(I) Inception Report
The firm shall produce an Inception Report within 7 days after the contract is signed. The report shall provide a clear picture of how the Consultant understands the ToRs and intends to achieve the expected tasks. It shall highlight the proposed methodology and the work plan with timelines for all the tasks that the Consultant will undertake during the assignment.
(II) An outline of the seed strategy and investment plan.
The firm shall provide a detailed outline of the seed strategy and investment plan, clearly providing a structured guideline of the sections and components of the strategy document.
(III) A comprehensive Seed Sector investment plan.
The firm shall provide a comprehensive seed sector investment plan for each of the 5 countries (Rwanda, Mali, Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Tanzania) indicating what needs to be done, outlining relative roles and responsibilities of the government and key stakeholders, including the private sector and funding partners. This will also include an analysis of the critical gaps, implementation challenges of the existing strategies and investment plans, and the government policy priorities and vision for the seed sector.
(IV) Costed investment plans.
Comprehensive and costed investment plans that outline the existing costs by the government, other partners and the funding gaps. The costing will include infrastructure or expense listings for major areas requiring finding the resources in terms of annual government budget allocation, potential for special funding such as incorporating into flagship programs, and Exploration of other funding mechanisms such as loans, other aligned donors, private sector partnerships. This will also include annual budget requirements – based on best practices for each of the 8 thematic areas in the 5 countries.
5. Proposed Timetable
The consultant is expected to produce the following sequence of deliverables:
6. Duration of the Assignment
The proposed assignment period is 4 months.
7. Copyright
All materials / documents arising out of this consultancy work shall remain the property of AGRA.
8. Management and Reporting
The firm will report to the Head of Seed Research & Systems Development, who will be provided with written monthly reports on the progress of activities and the key challenges and opportunities in addition to the deliverables.
The firm will work closely with the Seed System Team at AGRA, providing an input to the ongoing AGRA strategy.
AGRA will be the final authority to control the quality and evaluate the work. The satisfactory completion of each of the deliverables shall be subject to the endorsement of the Vice President in charge of Program Innovation & Delivery at AGRA. Each deliverable will be delivered in a draft for comments and feedback before finalization. No reports or documents should be published or distributed to third parties without the approval of AGRA.
The language of the materials and reports shall be English.
All deliverables submitted by the consultant shall be approved by the Head of Seed Research & Systems Development before any payment is made.
9. Invoices and Payment
The Consultant will submit the corresponding invoice to AGRA. Payment of Consultant Fees will be made against deliverables, which will only be deemed accepted once AGRA comments have been effectively incorporated and approved by the Head of Seed Research & Systems Development.
10. Location and nature of the assignment
The assignment should be carried out as per the schedule above and the consultant is required to periodically check in with AGRA team.
11. Key Qualifications and Experience Required
The firm shall:
- The consultancy firm shall demonstrate that it has key expertise with the following requirements: Minimum 8 years of experience in Seed Systems related work and assessments on the African continent including strategy and investment plan design.
- Evidence of knowledge and demonstration of development of strategies and investment plans.
- Deep knowledge and experience in seed systems, competent in analytics and deep understanding and experience of models for different elements of seed systems. The firm must possess a sound reputation with demonstrated in-depth knowledge of public and private sector-led agriculture in Africa
- Experience working with seed stakeholders in Africa
- The consultant must demonstrate the ability to design strategies and plans for public and private sector investments.
- Previous experience of conducting similar analyses of African agriculture
- In-country presence in and deep knowledge of target AGRA priority countries
- Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the policy landscape in Africa
- Experience in working with government agencies, private sector and development partners is an added advantage.
- Experience in CAADP/ Malabo/AUDA-NEPAD-related issues is an advantage.
- Good references for reliability, dedication, and an ability to work unsupervised.
- Previous experience in providing technical support/conducting assessments to the AGRA target countries is an advantage.
12. Key personnel
The firm shall have at least the below key personnel who will be evaluated.
12.1 Team Leader
- PhD or its equivalent in Seed Science or Technology, Crop breeding or any other related field in Agricultural Sciences.
- A solid background and experience in agricultural development in Africa including in the seed sector, the entire input systems, and extension systems in Africa.
- Excellent writing skills, with a publication record in one discipline related to assignment.
- Demonstrable analytical skills for analyzing issues and formulating concrete recommendations to a wide range of stakeholders.
- Past related experience in agricultural systems, value chains, and seed regulatory systems in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Excellent English and/or French communication skills.
- At least 15 years’ experience
12.2 Strategy Expert
- Master or its equivalent in Seed Science or Technology, Crop breeding or any other related field in Agricultural Sciences.
- At least 10 years’ experience in strategy related work
- A solid background and experience in agricultural development in Africa including in the seed sector, the entire input systems, and extension systems in Africa.
- Excellent writing skills, with publication record in one discipline related to assignment.
- Demonstrable analytical skills for analyzing issues and formulating concrete recommendations to a wide range of stakeholders.
- Past related experience in agricultural systems, value chains, seed regulatory systems in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Excellent English and/or French communication skill
12.3 Other Key Personnel
The firm is expected to have enough key personnel in order to meet the specifications and timelines for this project. The firm will describe the size, qualifications, and experience of team members and how this aligns with the evaluation needs. The firm is required to provide other key personnel required for the assignment.
13. Evaluation Criteria
Interested firms shall be evaluated against the following technical criteria:
a. Organizational Capacity …………………………………………………………………………………………………….10%
Company profile, company accreditations and certifications.
b. Firm’s Experience in similar assignments ……………………………………………………………………………..25%
- Have over 15 years of experience in strategy development.
- Experience in Sub–Saharan Africa.
- General experience in related services/seed sector or projects.
- List of current and past clients/references/agreements and their contact details.
c. Proposed approach, methodology and work plan……………………………………………………………………..25%
Understanding of the project/assignment requirements, practicality of the proposed methodology relative to the context of the assignment, proposed work plan, staffing schedule, risk assessment and mitigation strategies integrated into the assignment, planning, appropriateness of the implementation schedule to the project timelines and project quality assurance measures.
d. Experience and Qualification of key personnel……………………………………………………………………….40%
- Team leader- (20%)
- Strategy Expert (10%)
- Other key Expert – (10%)
Total Score……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..100%
- Selection Method – Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
- Minimum technical pass mark is 75%
- Selection Criteria
Technical weight: 90%
Financial weight: 10%
14. Pre-Bid Meeting
A pre-bid meeting has been scheduled as per the timeline summarized in the synopsis above. The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to respond to bidder’s questions and provide further clarification on the objectives and scope of the assignment.
Interested bidders are required to register on the link provided in the synopsis above. A calendar invite will be shared wit bidders who will have registered by the deadline indicated above.
15. Application Submission Requirements
a) Technical Proposal
- Company profile, Certifications and accreditations.
- Proposed Methodology, approach and workplan with clear timelines.
- Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments carried out including the client, dates and budget.
- Proposed key staff, their roles including their CVs, academic and professional certificates.
- The technical proposal shall not exceed 20 pages. CVs, copies of academic certificates and other supporting documentation may be attached as annexes.
b) Financial Proposal
- The firm shall provide a financial proposal for carrying out the assignment. The breakdown of unit and total fees per person (for each proposed consultant) shall be provided. Use the templates provided under Annexes A, B and C for the financial proposal. You may modify them where necessary.
- Reimbursable costs if applicable shall be quoted separately. These will be reimbursed based on actual cost incurred.
- Professional fees shall include the applicable withholding tax.
- VAT shall be quoted separately and is only applicable to firms registered in the following countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana and Mozambique)
- If the financial proposal is silent on taxes, AGRA shall assume that these are inclusive.
- Prices must be quoted in USD ($). Contracting will be in USD, bidders are encouraged to have a USD bank account.
- The financial proposal shall be sent as a separate attachment and MUST be password protected.
16. Guidelines for Preparations and Submission of Proposals
- The Proposals shall be prepared in English Language.
- The proposals SHALL be submitted to by the deadline indicated in the synopsis.
- The technical proposal shall not exceed 20 pages.
- The proposal and ALL Attachments submitted via email SHALL NOT exceed 10MB.
- VALIDITY of the proposal shall be for a period of 90 days from the date of bid closure.
- Financial proposal shall be sent as a separate attachment and MUST be password protected. The password shall be requested from firms that meet the minimum technical score of 75%).